stepping into deeper intimacy with a close one, when in concern of what may happen

 if you ever shared the deepest parts of your soul with someone close to your heart but felt rejected after doing might find yourself unable to fully open up again, to a new special one later down the road..
it is just your mind playing tricks on you, but if you don't get over it, you may miss to achieve t
rue intimacy with your mate.
. it seems hard because you may feel as "much is at stake" (ie your relationship up to that point..) and there's a lot to loose if "something goes wrong".so, in order to ease your concerns that the history will repeat itself, do some tricks of your own-
do a little test first_ reveal yourself completely to a total stranger,.. one that you feel comfortable talking with, one that you can connect easily and even someone that's nothing like your mate! it as casually and spontaneously as you can, almost like you were sharing about the weather.. :)), no concerns at all..
yeap, it may seem to some that this approach is as crazy as hell but the funny part of this trick is-
you can not have an illusion ('cause that's all that is) of loosing something of a great value to you in the process, 'cause it is a complete stranger you're sharing with. no imaginary "history" or "future" with that one, you just met! so it can never go wrong.. even if it feels like it did, you'll be as that much clearer with yourself to what extent.. and did you at all, fully accepted yourself. after that, and loosing only fear of revealing and communicating exactly who you are, it won't really matter to you as much, how your mate, or any other will respond. Even if it still feels like fear will be present when sharing with your close one, at least you've processed your feelings and situation in general, out loud with someone, so you can be more clear on where and how you're judging yourself ..and now you can adjust that point of view so it could serve you better. In more case then not, by making yourself comfortable of communicating exactly who you are to another that you feel close to, you'll obtain and expand intimacy with that person. And either way it goes with your close one ..

..You'll be clean as a whistle.

 ovaj je txt posledica događaja iz života, bas takvog gde sam odigrala ulogu Stranca za jednog simpatičnog ali brigama ophrvanog dečka, koji je u svojoj vezi stigao do raskrsnice gde je osećao da je neophodno da podeli neke važne momente o sebi sa svojom aktuelnom devojkom, a kako reče"ne izvodljivo" jer je naišao na veoma oštre reakcije u prethodnoj vezi, nakon čega je došlo do prekida iste :( ..oh well, ništa što je bilo tragično I potpuno ne prihvatljivo njegovim prijateljima, (niti meni kao potpunom strancu, mada mogu videti zašto ga je mučila moguće loša reakcija devojke ), ali kako reče 'oni su mi ortaci sve oni shvataju..' zapravo, sve je podelio lako I neopterećeno, baš kao da ćaska o vremenskim prilikama, a tek potom objasnio da ga muči to što ne zna kako isto to da uradi sa sebi bliskom osobom..well naravski, nije da nije znao kako već se plašio ishoda. nakon što smo pretresli situaciju iz više uglova, reče da se oseća mnogo lakše I hrabrije da rizikuje izloži se I time potencijalno produbi sadašnju vezu! unintentionally but- mission accomplished! :) I za happy end javio se naknadno sa vestima da iako isprva nije prošlo baš glatko..sada je sve bolje.. cvetaju im ruže I više nego pre.

sve se događa sa razlogom..   **********************************  ništa nije slučajno...


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